Nature Monks Foundation
Protecting The Environment by Planting Trees

Nature Monks Foundation

Nature Monks Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and protecting the environment through various initiatives such as tree plantation drives and plastic ban awareness campaigns. Our mission is to create a sustainable and eco-friendly world by raising awareness and promoting actions that help mitigate climate change and environmental degradation.

Our work primarily focuses on tree plantation drives, where we plant saplings and undertake afforestation activities in areas that have been deforested or where trees have been depleted due to various reasons. We believe that trees are vital for maintaining ecological balance and promoting biodiversity, and our tree plantation drives are aimed at creating green lungs in urban and rural areas alike.

In addition to tree plantation drives, we also conduct plastic ban awareness campaigns to reduce plastic waste and promote the use of eco-friendly alternatives. Our team of dedicated volunteers actively participate in spreading awareness about the impact of plastic on the environment and encouraging individuals and businesses to switch to sustainable alternatives.